The crucial matter to be pondered upon when it comes to school is the increasing incidences of a mishap within school premises. This only, speaks volumes of why you need CCTV at school. Children/wards are being sent to the school for education and to learn discipline. However, what happens if the child gets into trouble, or being physically abused and assaulted in school.
Many ugly incidences happening within the school can be found on the internet if searched. Now, the question is, how can the lives of small little kids who are sent to schools where neither their parents nor any relatives can see them be neglected? The only answer to the question is “Why you need CCTV at school”
The installation of CCTV in schools is a key solution to safeguard the futures and lives of the students. Culprits are never wanted to be seen, therefore crimes can be controlled with the installation of CCTV cameras. Below are a list of some reasons why you need CCTV at schools:
Personnel Incoming/Outgoing Monitoring
With cameras mounted on all entrances of the school, you can monitor who is coming and who is going. Also, if there are cameras everywhere in the school, any strange person or activity can be seen. In this age of technology advancement, we have an advanced system of CCTV cameras that are incorporated with artificial intelligence alarm systems. The alarm can be triggered and warn the guards if anything abnormal is seen on the screen. Guards can be immediately summoned.
If a person enters school premises with wrong intentions will cease to work out his plan once he finds himself under surveillance. Many times it so happens that the ringing of the alarm itself shoos away mischievous people.
Monitors The Teacher
There is a need to also keep an eye on the teachers as we have seen several incidences on the news where a teacher beat a student so badly that the student had to be admitted to a hospital after that. Children many times may return home with a beaten mark all over their bodies, in which parents who are free often protest against it but not all parents are free.
In some severe cases, students may die after being hit by a teacher. This does not mean all teachers are bad but if we watch teachers closely, they will not exceed their limitations. CCTV cameras in classrooms and on the corridors keep an eye on teachers as well as students. Not only the behavior but it also shows you whether a teacher is teaching efficiently in class or not.
On-Time Emergency Control
The presence of a CCTV camera is of great help during any emergency situation. Peradventure there is a fire outbreak somewhere in the school, it can be easily spotted and located the on camera. Once the place is located it becomes easier to evacuate the building through a doorway away from the fire.
Serve as an Anti-Theft Agent
CCTV Installation in school helps you see all activities taking place within the premises. Theft at school is a very common activity being practiced by students and external parties as well.
The thefts can be of many things. It can be an upcoming exam question paper stolen from the staff room or an important note being stolen from another student’s bag. Many a time students steal the mark sheet from a teacher’s drawer and change his marks in the mark sheet. Hence scoring marks illegally.
Theft from school labs is also very common but very dangerous. We have often heard of acid attacks over the news, the acid may have been stolen from the chemistry lab of a school. Such things can be prevented if there are cameras everywhere in school. Children also complain about their lunch being eaten by someone even before lunch break. These theft activities can be stopped by installing CCTV cameras in schools.
Prevent Bullying
Many children often complain about being bullied at school, either by Senior students or many times their own classmates which sometimes makes them afraid to go to school.
Children react almost immediately to their feelings without caring for others’ feelings. Children can tease those that are not bright academically for not being able to score good marks or for not looking good or for being unable to do something which other kids can do well. Many cannot even share their problems with their parents and get depressed.
A child’s productivity decreases when he goes into depression. A simple solution to safeguard the future of a child is to install CCTV cameras in schools which will prevent such activities in school. If an act of bullying is seen in camera the staff can be sent in to stop them. A small punishment to a student bullying another student can change the future of the latter.